This therapy has a duration of one and a half hour on average; the biomagnetician tracks about 1000 points in the patient —looking for both physical and emotional points—, to identify the exact location of the pH imbalance or the pathogen that is affecting the patient.

Patients who would perform PB tracking should wear comfortable clothes, like tennis shoes. Avoid the use of flats, crocs, sandals or high heels that can easily get out. Also, avoid earrings, bracelets, rings, necklaces, piercings, or ferromagnetic materials that can be attracted by the magnet. Before the session make sure you're not holding any electronic devices like cell phones, music players, credit cards, etc. to avoid any interference with the tracking, and to prevent damage to those devices. Two hours before scheduled session, avoid the consumption of caffeine or energy drinks, and try to drink only water.


​Bioenergetics is the study of energy transformations taking place in the cell, as well as the nature and role of chemical processes in which these transformations are based. We can also say that is the name by which we mean the technique of Par Biomagnetic, where the mind is used to track specific points in the body that are altered, by mentioning his name during the tracking phase; certification and PB correction are made with the aid of a magnet.

This technique consists in a slight manipulation of the patient's feet and the observation of lengthening or shortening of one foot, when the therapist leans on them, to find where is the pH imbalance in the body, doing a careful tracking of each organ, and then, determining where the magnet should be positioned.



Sale of therapeutic magnets made of neodymium, lined with vinyl skin, strongly isolated. High density: N42, N50, N52 (the highest density on the market).


In this therapy Biomagnetism offers free Regeneration Cell Expression Cell Therapies (therapies delivered by Rene Mey), working energetically from outside the body to inside and vice versa, reactivating cells throughout the body and helping the patient health's recovery.
